Face Pay, The New Way to Pay at GS25 제이샤인, 2025년 02월 27일2025년 02월 27일 Face Pay, GS Retail and Toss Introduce an Innovative Payment System GS Retail has announced (əˈnounst, announce, əˈnoun(t)s) a partnership (ˈpärtnərˌSHip) with Toss (tôs) to introduce (ˌintrəˈdo͞os, introduce ˌintrəˈdo͞os) ‘Face Pay’, a facial (ˈfāshəl) recognition (ˌrekəɡˈniSH(ə)n) payment (ˈpāmənt) system (ˈsistəm), in GS25 convenience (kənˈvēnyəns) stores (stôrs) and GS The Fresh (T͟Hə freSH) supermarkets (ˈso͞opərmärkət). Face Pay allows (əˈlou) customers (ˈkəstəmərz) to register (ˈrejəstər) their (T͟Her) faces (fāsəz) in the Toss app beforehand (bəˈfôrhand). Once (wəns) registered (ˈrejəstərd, register ˈrejəstər), they can simply (ˈsimplē) scan (skan) their faces at designated (ˈdezigˌnātəd) terminals (ˈtərmənəlz) in GS25 stores to complete (kəmˈplēt) their transactions (tranzˈzakSHənz) instantly (ˈinstəntlē). GS Retail has begun (biˈgən) pilot (ˈpīlət) testing (ˈtestiNG) Face Pay on February (feb(y)əˌwerē) 12 at two (to͞o) stores, including (inˈklo͞odiNG) GS25 Gangnam Branch (bran(t)SH). The company (ˈkəmpənē) plans (planz) to expand (ikˈspand) the service (ˈsərvəs) to thirty (ˈthərtē) locations (lōˈkāSHənz) by March (märCH). Lee Jung-pyo, Head of Marketing at GS Retail stated, “Through (THro͞o) the introduction (ˌintrəˈdəkSHən, introduce ˌintrəˈdo͞os) of Toss Face Pay, we aim (ām) to provide (prəˈvīd) customers (ˈkəstəmərz) with a faster (ˈfastər) and more (môr) convenient payment (ˈpāmənt) experience (ikˈspirēəns). We will continue (kənˈtinyo͞o) to integrate (intəˌɡrāt) various (ˈverēəs) payment (ˈpāmənt) options (ˈäpSHənz) to create (krēˈāt) a seamless (ˈsēmləs) shopping (ˈSHäpiNG) environment (ənˈvīrənmənt).“ Editor 제이샤인Provided by: GS 💡 Brand Note 뉴스&트렌드 GSGS25