Agricultural Robot ‘RT100’ Revolutionizes Smart Farming 제이샤인, 2025년 02월 20일2025년 02월 20일 Daedong Launches ‘RT100’ Agricultural Robot, Entering the Market Daedong has officially (əˈfiSH(ə)lē) launched (lôn(t)SHt, launch lôn(t)SH) the agricultural (ˌaɡrəˈkəlCH(ə)rəl) transport robot (ˈrōˌbät ˈrōbət) ‘RT100’, marking (ˈmärk-iNG, mark märk) its entry (ˈentrē) into the domestic (dəˈmestik) agricultural robotics (rōˈbädiks) market (ˈmärkət). On the 17th (ˈsevənˌtēnTH), Daedong Co-CEOs Kim Joon-sik and Won Yoo-hyun held the ‘2025 Domestic Dealership Conference’ (dəˈmestik ˈdēlərˌSHip ˈkänf(ə)rəns), where it officially (əˈfiSH(ə)lē) announced (əˈnounst, announce əˈnoun(t)s) the release (rəˈlēs) of RT100 The company (ˈkəmp(ə)nē) aims (āmz) to address (əˈdres) labor shortages (ˈlābər ˈSHôr-tij-iz) in agriculture (ˈaɡrəˌkəlCHər), introduce (ˌintrəˈd(y)o͞os) a more efficient (iˈfiSH(ə)nt) work environment (wərk inˈvīrənmənt), and establish (əˈstabliSH) a strong foothold (strôNG ˈfo͝otˌhōld) in the agricultural robotics sector (ˈsektər) The domestic agricultural transport vehicle (ˈtranˌspôrt ˈvēək(ə)l) market is estimated (ˈestəˌmādəd, estimate ˈestəˌmāt) at 6,000 units annually (siks ˈTHouzənd ˈyo͞onəts ˈanyo͞o(ə)lē), with the demand (dəˈmand) for autonomous mobile robots rapidly increasing (ôˈtänəməs ˈmōbəl ˈrōˌbäts ˈrapidlē inˈkrēs-iNG, increase inˈkrēs). Daedong expects (ikˈspekts) this market to grow (ɡrō) by an average (ˈav(ə)rij) of 27.5% annually (ˌtwen(t)ēˈsevən pərˈsent) over the next five years (nekst fīv yirz) and developed (dəˈveləpt, develop dəˈveləp) the RT100 in response (rəˈspäns) to this trend (trend). The robot (ˈrōˌbät) is designed (dəˈzīnd, design dəˈzīn) to alleviate (əˈlēvēˌāt) labor shortages (ˈlābər ˈSHôr-tij-iz) in aging rural populations (ˈāj-iNG ˈro͝orəl ˌpäpyəˈlāSHənz), enhance productivity (inˈhans ˌprädəkˈtivədē), and help the industry adapt (ˈindəstrē əˈdapt) to climate change (ˈklīmət CHānj) and population growth (ˌpäpyəˈlāSHən ɡrōTH). Editor 제이샤인Provided by: Daedong 💡 Brand Note 뉴스&트렌드 DAEDONG대동